the computer science society

At the University of York

Servers: runciman klaxon latona apollo diana

Summer Term Talk Submissions

12th April, 2020

Submissions for our Summer Term talks are now open!

Do you have a niche interest you enjoy talking about? Then why not come give a talk for us; we welcome a range of topics and would be glad to have you!

The call is for a half hour talk, followed by fifteen minutes of questions. Talks will take place on Thursdays of every week, between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. You don't have to have the talk written already - give us a general idea of what you'd like to talk about, and an abstract.

Due to COVID-19, our talks won't be taking place in person this term. Instead we will ask the speaker to pre-record their talk, which members will then watch together, followed by an interactive Q&A.

If you'd like to do a talk, then please sign up with this Google Form! If you don't have any suitable recording equipment available, please indicate this on the final question of the form, and we will see what we can do.

Submissions will close on the 20th of April.

We'd love to see plenty of interesting submissions!