the computer science society

At the University of York

Servers: runciman klaxon latona apollo diana

Mini Game Jam

14th November, 2014

Theme: Hold The Line

Today we are having a mini "game jam". The idea is to give people a chance to get used to some of the tools and techniques they might need to take part in Ludum Dare (the next Ludum Dare event is from the 5th-8th December 2014).

For this event, we strongly suggest that people use Love2D. Love2D is a game-development framework written using lua, a small and easy-to-learn language.

Running Love2D on departmental machines

Love2D is not installed on the departmental machines. Fortunately, HackSoc has a server set up to provide various useful pieces of software that are not on the departmental machines, including Love2D.

Go to klaxon.hacksoc.org and follow the instructions there to get this working on an ITS Linux machine.

A one-minute guide to Love2D

  1. Create a folder to contain your game:

    mkdir mygame

  2. Create a file main.lua inside that directory. The body of main.lua should probably follow the following skeleton:

    function love.load()
        -- initialisation code goes here
    function love.update(dt)
        -- simulate the passing of time---<dt> is the
        -- time (fraction of a second) that has passed
        -- since the last call to love.update
    function love.draw()
        -- draw the current frame
    function love.keypressed(key)
        -- handle <key> being pressed
    function love.keyreleased(key)
        -- handle <key> being released
    function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
        -- handle mouse presses
    function love.mousereleased(x, y, button)
        -- handle mouse button releases

    (You may not need to handle all of those callbacks)

  3. Run the game:

    grprun love mygame

Love2D Resources:

Lua Resources:

Other Resources & Examples:

One of the previous HackSoc Ludum Dare entries was written using Love2D: it can be found on github.

Some HackSoc committee members wrote examples to remind themselves how to use Love2D:

Hints & Tips